Live from the Marketing Sherpa Email Summit ’08

Welcome to sunny Miami!pict0004.jpg

Day one is underway, sort of. Actually, the event started on Sunday. Nearly 400 marketers fell on the sword and elected to go to a classroom presentation to become “email certified”. This is really amazing, the commitment that so many people have delivered to the event. Seriously, rather than sitting by the pool for an extra day, they focused on an 8 hour lecture series and had to take a test… that they needed to pass. Imagine your boss sent you to this certification class and you didn’t pass the test.

With more than 800 marketers in attendence, the event’s full and there’s a constant flow of traffic moving about. Attendees appear to be from a broad cross section of companies, large to small, and industry representation from technology and retail and travel and more.

The sessions this morning covered online marketing and the office politics we deal with, and relevancy and the ability to create emails that inspire action on the part of recipients. The comments about the office politics meeting were a bit tepid but the relevance panel was well received. Marketers are gravitating to consumer centric strategies… a wonderful thing.

Love to hear your thoughts –


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